Maklakov spoken English in 7 days. Book “7-day plan for learning English. Decide on a goal

The technique proposed in the book will allow you to memorize new words and expressions faster and better. For ease of learning, words and expressions are divided into blocks that help you actively expand your vocabulary on relevant topics, and by completing original exercises, you will immediately move on to practice, that is, speaking.

When starting to learn any foreign language, a person is faced with various obstacles that he presumably must overcome. All problems come down to three key ones:
a) vocabulary;
b) pronunciation;
c) grammar.

Problems arise when using learning methods that include all aspects simultaneously and lead to the emergence of all the above problems, while the students' progress slows down, since they constantly feel, figuratively speaking, failures on all lines. If they master vocabulary, they still have problems with grammar, if they concentrate more on grammar, then a lack of vocabulary can be observed.

Chapter 1. Basics of the method
Chapter 2. Pronunciation
Chapter 3. Word tables
Chapter 4. Verbs
Chapter 5. Nouns
Chapter 6. Adjectives
Chapter 7. Adverbs
Chapter 8. Greetings
Chapter 9. Expressions of politeness
Chapter 10. Question words
Chapter 11. Personal pronouns
Chapter 12. Possessive pronouns
Chapter 13. Demonstrative pronouns
Chapter 14. Articles
Chapter 15. Prepositions and conjunctions
Chapter 16. Numerals
Chapter 17. Basic rules of conjugation
Chapter 18. The verb “To be” (to be)
Chapter 19. Verb “TO HAVE” (have)
Chapter 20. Verb “CAN” (to be able, to be able)
Chapter 21. First day of classes
Chapter 22. Second day of classes
Chapter 23. Third day of classes
Chapter 24. Fourth day of classes
Chapter 25. Fifth day of classes
Chapter 26. Sixth day of classes
Chapter 27. Seventh day of classes
Chapter 28. Basic grammar rules
Chapter 29. How to continue to improve your language after 7 days of classes using the methods from this book
About the author.

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Download the book How to learn English in just 7 days, An effective technique for the very busy and lazy, Campayo R., 2012 -, fast and free download.

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The following textbooks and books:

  • English with Rachel, Povey J., 2010 - The manual consists of 14 lessons and offers conversational material on topics studied in the first year of university. Each lesson includes... Books on English
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  • Practical grammar of the English language, Kachalova K.N., Izrailevich E.E., 1998 - The purpose of this textbook is to help students master both translation skills and oral and written English speech skills. To achieve this... Books on English
  • English for Students of Law, Zaitseva S.E., Tinigina L.A., 2012 - The proposed textbook is based on curriculum English language course and is designed for 280 classroom hours. The purpose of the benefit is to develop... Books on English

Previous articles:

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  • Clear English grammar in rules and exercises, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - In this manual English grammar presented in the form of rules, models and exercises, which makes it as easy as possible to perceive, understand and assimilate the material. ... Books on English
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The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed

our students



“Now I communicate with native English speakers, and they They say I have a good level"

Classes with Dmitry are very effective. Before that, I studied the language with another teacher, but there were no special results. I couldn't communicate in English. Dmitry gives exercises that really make you speak English. Now I communicate with native English speakers, and they say that my level is good. I'm very pleased.

“Progress is obvious, I work with foreign customers”

I really enjoy my classes with Dmitry. Progress is obvious, I work with foreign customers, so English is simply necessary. Dmitry understands well strengths When teaching, he explains the material very clearly, and manages his time well during classes.

“I applied it immediately and the result exceeded all expectations”

I express my gratitude to Dmitry for the excellent consultation. For a long time I could not overcome the threshold of understanding by ear, but then I explained it for a couple of minutes, and so clearly that there were no more questions. I applied it immediately and the result exceeded all expectations. It turned out to be so easy! I recommend that you only turn to Dmitry for English.

“I calmly traveled abroad, communicated freely with native speakers”

The result of classes with Dmitry is difficult to even express in words) Initially, my English was very weak, but with the start of classes, the level of language knowledge changed dramatically. Everything is explained very intelligibly, clearly and clearly. Thanks to effective classes, I calmly traveled abroad, communicated freely with native speakers, passed the Unified State Exam with 93 points and entered a university. The teaching method is simply amazing.

Sergey (rating 5+)

“Very good, competent and responsible specialist! I am truly pleased with the work of this tutor. The lessons were interesting, dynamic, positive and of great benefit to me. All agreements were respected."

Irina (score 5+)

“Dmitry Ivanovich is a young but competent specialist. He has serious knowledge of the English language and excellent presentation of the material. He has excellent contact with his son, lessons are held via Skype, and are always on time. My son has a fairly high level of knowledge of the English language; with a tutor, Gleb studies the language in more depth, and the level of knowledge of the English language increases.”

Margarita (rating 5+)

“I am very pleased with the tutor! Dmitry Ivanovich is an attentive person, he does not forget anything, he remembers everything. The lessons he conducts are interesting and varied, he uses audio and video materials, and he also has his own program that he teaches me. My knowledge improved, I began to write the test Unified State Exam exactly 2 times better. Thank you!"

Anna (score 5)

“Dmitry Ivanovich is a competent teacher, he helped me a lot. In his classes I received all the necessary information for myself. I liked working with the teacher, I still have positive emotions from our cooperation"

Natalya (score 5+)

“The impressions are positive. I liked that the teacher has developed an effective system that produces results. It is noticeable that the tutor approaches his work with full responsibility. There are no comments, everything is on the level"

Anna (score 5)

“Dmitry Ivanovich is a wonderful teacher. The classes were held via Skype, and I found it very interesting. The teacher had a lot of material, tests, audio-video information. I believe that I gained a lot of material for myself on the subject for the entry level"

Nadezhda (rating 5+)

“Dmitry Ivanovich prepared me for an internship in Italy. He discussed all the necessary topics with me in detail and taught me pronunciation. It was easy for me to communicate abroad in English. I rate the teacher’s work as excellent.”

Natalya (score 5)

“The training did not last long, this is due to my family problems. Dmitry Ivanovich is a good teacher, I found it interesting to study. During my studies, I gained a small amount of knowledge of the English language. Overall, I had no complaints"

Svetlana (score 5)

“Dmitry Ivanovich is a competent tutor, professionalism, communication, presentation of material, everything suits me! The format and cost of the order were respected. I liked the work of the company"

Simple tips from polyglot twins who speak ten languages. They definitely know a lot about teaching!

Is it really necessary to travel to another country to learn a new language? The twin brothers, who had already mastered ten foreign languages, set themselves the task of studying a language a week while in Berlin, their hometown. And there is a lot to learn from them.

What can you accomplish in a week? If you decide to achieve your goal in seven days, how much effort should you put in? Matthew and Michael Yulden, twin polyglots, asked themselves these questions, deciding in this short time to master Turkish. To do this, they put everything aside and spent eight hours every day studying.

Here are seven language learning principles used by some of the world's most capable polyglots.

1. Decide on a goal

Principle: From the very beginning, understand why you need this language. This will help you understand how best to achieve your goal.

The twins' goal was simple - they wanted to "flex their brains." Since about 300 thousand Turks live in Berlin, and the areas of Kreuzberg and Neukölln are dotted with Turkish inscriptions, the choice fell on Turkish. How to read messages to the world from your closest neighbors without knowing their language?

2. Use stickers

Principle: Let all the space around you from now on be filled with stickers with words in the language you are learning. Without noticing it, you will quickly master new vocabulary - simply because “ educational materials"will be constantly before your eyes.

Having started learning Turkish, the first thing the twins did was cover the entire apartment with pieces of paper. Armed with a dictionary, they looked for words that denoted the objects around them, then wrote them down on sticky notes and glued them to the appropriate places. In just over an hour, the small pieces of paper contained absolutely everything - now it became impossible to pour coffee or, for example, turn off the light without stumbling upon several new words and expressions.

3. Find a partner

Principle: Achieving a goal is always easier when you are not alone. It doesn’t matter what motivates you: a competitive spirit or a sense of mutual responsibility. The very presence of a second person makes you move on.

The fact that one twin really needs the other to learn the language became obvious when Matthew and Michael first started putting up stickers with words. They wrote out words, constantly egging each other on and checking who had done what. And then they divided the topics to study - and each became an important source of new knowledge for the other. To the question “how will it be in Turkish?” the brothers surprisingly often had an answer. The most interesting thing began at the end of the week - the twins changed the language of everyday conversations to the language they were studying. Offers to drink tea or coffee, conversations about who would cook dinner, and conversations about plans for tomorrow - everything was in Turkish.

4. Set yourself mini-challenges

Yulia Grigoryeva /

Principle: On the way to a big goal, set smaller goals.

Overcome difficulties gradually and try to use the language everyday life. To exchange a few phrases with someone in the language you are learning, you will need to master a particular topic, new words and expressions. But the feeling of self-satisfaction from achieving this tiny goal will inspire new strength in you and help you move on.

Throughout the week, Matthew and Michael set themselves numerous mini-challenges. On the first day of training, they invited a Turkish friend to visit - he greeted them in Turkish and praised them for their first successes. They then learned the names of fruits and the numbers from zero to billion and went to the Turkish market in Kreuzberg. However, they still refused to buy 900 thousand kumquats. This was their first meaningful dialogue in Turkish, the goal was achieved, and with triumph in their eyes they went home to study further.

5. Immerse yourself in the language

Principle: Everything you do should be related to learning.

Eat food that is traditional for the country of the language you are studying, listen to music, watch foreign films, so that even in your free time you are immersed in the language. In addition, you will definitely learn a lot of new things, you will have new interests, and with them more motivation for further learning.

On the second day, the twins bought Turkish products. And right while eating, they read all the inscriptions on the packaging: composition, calorie content, promotions and special offers. All those eight hours a day allotted for learning the language were loaded with Turkish words, there was simply nowhere to escape from them. The intensity of the study varied, but it never stopped.

6. Use what you already know

Principle: The deeper you go into a process, the more information you remember. So you can draw parallels and look for analogies between words from already known languages ​​and words of a new language.

You could often hear the twins say, “Oh, well, that’s almost like...”. They constantly used information they already knew to remember new words. In this way, they not only traced interesting parallels in etymology, but also confidently wove new words into a ready-made chain of associations, making them much easier to remember. Even if you have started learning your first foreign language, you will probably be able to find words similar to those that exist in your native language.

7. Look for new ways to explore

Principle: so, you have already trodden your path, found your favorite way to learn a language, but don’t forget to always try something new.

For a long time, the twins studied the language from books and also using a computer. They did exercises, wrote down words and dialogues. But that’s not all: they listened to Turkish radio and watched Turkish football on the Internet.

There is no one guaranteed method on how to learn a foreign language. There is no app or teacher that can single-handedly set you on the right path. The language is written, spoken, read and listened to. In each of these areas, there are dozens of different ways to learn. If you wanted to learn your native language, would you really limit yourself to just one thing?

It often happens that people go to classes once a week, but as soon as they leave the classroom, they switch to their native language and forget about what they are studying. To prevent this from happening, try something new every day. Listen to a funny song, read the news - maybe the politics in the country of the language you are learning are very different from the politics in your homeland, write a short story for children, improvise, prepare a home performance. But just don't stop. Everything is in your hands!

How to learn English in 7 days

How to learn English in 7 days

Polyglot. Learn English in 16 hours

Intensive training course "Polyglot. English in 16 hours" with texts explained in the language, this requires no more than a few days.

April 15, 2013 Visit the site to find a link to the video I'm talking about!

Jul 25, 2013 A fatal mistake due to which languages ​​take years to learn, not MONTHS. Secret Learn English in just six months. . How to Easily Remember New Things English Words? by Olga Tsygankova 22,905 views 7:21

How to Learn English in 30 Days? - YouTube

With the release of the English language course in 7 lessons from SpeakASAP, the book “How to learn a language” and Yes, not at a gallop in 7 days, but the presentation of the material is consistent and understandable, will soon appear.

Ramon Campayo: How to learn English in just 7 days! But you yourself understand that this is nonsense. Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:39 pm. Profile. Nemiroff4ever.

Learn English in 30 days - 30. Download Listen to playlist. Dark & ​​Paul Oakenfold - How to learn the English alphabet.

Learn English in just six monthsThe secret of memorization

learn English quickly with a native speaker: "how to quickly learn Spanish in

1 Aug 2011 [email protected]- Skype English language school. We teach everyone, we work honestly, we conduct classes first, THEN you

1 Oct 2013 [email protected] Skytz tutors 350 rubles lesson.

Book: How to learn English in just 7 days.

“English in 7 Lessons” in no way pretends to be a large-scale teaching aid. This is a basic course, the task of which is to “talk” the user as quickly as possible, providing him with the necessary knowledge. The author of the course, Elena Shipilova, talks about the features of her approach to teaching foreign languages ​​in the introductory audio clip, which we strongly recommend listening to. Practice, practice and more practice - that’s the essence of her method in a nutshell. We learn languages ​​in order to communicate, so it is communication, and not mindless cramming, that we should pay attention to.


The proposed course is suitable for complete beginners and for those who, as they say, “knew but forgot.” It will help you independently rise from scratch to the Pre-Intermediate level: one day - one lesson, if you approach the matter responsibly, in a week you will be able to explain yourself quite well.

Let's see what's available here. The user can get acquainted with the theoretical course or immediately proceed to perform practical tasks, and audio and video materials will help with correct pronunciation.

The application has versions for iOS and Android, and the latter received an update on September 10. The interface has changed a little, but the functions remain the same, and the ability to speed up or slow down the audio has also been added.


The course is divided into seven semantic blocks, in each of which a brief explanation of the rules is interspersed with examples.

Each topic has audio and video accompaniment, so you can choose the format depending on your preferences, for example, if you perceive information better by ear or want to create the atmosphere of a full-fledged lesson using a video lesson.

There are no lengthy discussions or unnecessary delving into the jungle of particulars. When preparing the material, Elena Shipilova deliberately did not focus on popular teaching aids, which are often full of confusing details for beginners. She created her own system, which is as informative and easy to understand as possible. Even rather complex points (for example, the ill-fated gerund) are presented here briefly, simply and quite clearly.


Having studied the rules, we use them in practice: at the end of each lesson we are asked to complete several exercises. The approach to their compilation is interesting. The author of the course believes that standard tasks for choosing from several options for a suitable word or the correct form of a verb do not in any way contribute to progress in learning. On the contrary, they make you dull and lose the habit of thinking for yourself. So we immediately try our hand at translating from Russian into English and back. To develop correct pronunciation, it is recommended not only to read, but also to listen to the tasks and answers to them.

Thanks to a competent balance of theory and practice, the result is not a dump of concepts and rules, but a structured idea of ​​how to construct phrases. A certain vocabulary is also developed, which, it should be noted, is quite vital. As for the duration of classes, completing one lesson along with assignments is unlikely to take more than an hour. Lack of time is not accepted as an excuse. :)

What's next

If you have completely completed the course and do not want to stop there, you have a direct route to the Speak As Soon As Possible website, where, with the help of additional training materials, you can sharpen your English to perfection in a short time. A mini-course will help you consolidate your knowledge, during which you will study with a teacher via Skype. Seven 60-minute lessons are a good option for those who urgently need to improve their speaking skills. Communication is conducted in English, so the barrier that prevents beginners from applying their knowledge in practice will fall quite quickly. Students receive an MP3 recording of each lesson so that, if necessary, they can clarify controversial points again.

The next stage is reaching the Intermediate level. In this case, the duration of the course will be 20 weeks, or 400 hours. The training is divided into two equal parts: in the first, the class is taught by a Russian teacher, and in the second, a native speaker takes over. The course will help not only strengthen your knowledge of grammar and develop your listening comprehension skills in English, but also expand your vocabulary and feel more confident in communication.

Just the other day, the “English Upper Intermediate” course appeared on the website due to numerous requests from students and users. It is suitable for those who have already completed the 20-week basic program and want to continue studying at a higher level. The course will also be useful for those who still feel like they are beginners in English, even if they have been studying it for several decades.

English is the most “spoiled” language, in which 90% of students themselves do not know what they want. The market is saturated with offers from both individual teachers and various types of Internet resources, so it is almost impossible to create a step-by-step training program on your own; there is always something you don’t know yet. The advantage of SpeakASAP is a clear system of what is really needed and important.

The main thing to remember: when learning a foreign language, you don’t have to spend years studying scientific literature. It is much more important to choose the right approach. If you need quick results, “English in 7 lessons” is your option.