When a person has wings. If humans had wings, how big would they be? Wings of our freedom

Photos from open sources

In September of this year, a Khabarovsk resident Dmitry Nikonov, together with a friend, traveled around the Primorsky Territory. Rafting on a boat along the Bikin River, they spent the night (not for the first time) in the taiga. However, this time the friends were amazed by the woman's cry, which was clearly heard from the dense night forest, where no one could be by definition. (site)

Moreover, this crying, chilling the soul (it was more like the cries of a dying person) was clearly moving in space, as the travelers determined by ear. Having reached Vladivostok and asked the old-timers, the guys found out that a mysterious creature screams like that - an animal with wings, which looks and looks very similar to a person in size.

Many people know about the winged man in Primorye

It turns out that it was described by the famous traveler V.K. Arseniev, who, as they say, the Ussuri region went far and wide. And there is no reason not to trust the records that he made about the winged man (this is his definition), since he was a scientist to the marrow of his bones, not believing in any mysticism, and at the same time very much appreciating his reputation as a sober-minded researcher.

Photos from open sources

Vladimir Klavdievich wrote that one day he came across a fresh footprint in the snow. This footprint was similar to a human one, and at the same time it somehow resembled a bear's (something was common). Fearless until then, the dog of the scientist named Alma, sniffing the mysterious trail, behaved rather strangely: she was obviously frightened of something and suddenly began to huddle at the feet of her master. And then the researcher noticed that in the nearest bushes some animal began to move sharply, the flapping of wings was heard, and then something like a man with wings appeared above the river. At the same time, the mysterious creature screamed as if a woman was crying or even screaming.

Many descriptions of this winged man are in the dossier of the President of the Primorsky Association of Ufologists A. Rempel. For example, the local ranger Yong Wang Shan, who is able to easily distinguish the cry of any bird in the Ussuri region, was puzzled several times by the cries of a woman, which he often heard in the most remote taiga. It was clearly a human cry, says an expert on the local region, and this cry is so terrible that it freezes the blood in the veins ...

And here is how this winged man was described by one of the soldiers who ran into him in 1944 near Yekaterinovka. The two of them were carrying food from the village to the military unit on a horse-drawn cart. It was late in the evening. Suddenly, the guys saw a huge luminous ball in the sky, which in a moment turned into a man with wings. Landing, this terrible creature began to publish heart-rending female cries. In a panic, the soldiers abandoned the wagon and rushed to their farm, not feeling their legs ...

Here is another recollection of the hunter A.I. Kurentsov. Having once spent the night in the taiga by the fire, he woke up at night from the feeling that someone was watching him. As an experienced taiga man, the man did not even move, but with peripheral vision he caught that something incomprehensible and large was falling on him from above. Jumping sharply to the side, Kurentsov noticed that a strange creature, like a man with wings, flew over the place where he had just slept. Moreover, these wings were huge, very similar to those possessed by bats.

Fresh evidence of a man with wings

But if all these stories collected by Alexei Rempel have a long history, then the incident that happened with the tourist group of Alexander Lazarev can be called just fresh. This travel company recently rested near Mount Pidan (arranged a small halt), when one of the tourists noticed a hang glider strange for these places. Since the video camera could enlarge the object being filmed, the operator, to his surprise, suddenly discovered that this was not a hang glider at all, but a strange creature with wings. But the face of this huge bat was human - creepy and completely implausible ...

Photos from open sources

Another interesting case from the collection of Alexei. The hunters of the village of Tigrovy last winter in their native Ussuri taiga sat late at night by the fire, not far from the lake. At some point, a strange noise was heard from the side of the reservoir, and then even a woman's cry. Since the place was remote, the bewildered fishermen took their flashlights and went to the lake. They were surprised by the fact that as they approached the reservoir, their dogs began to behave inappropriately: they tucked their tails and clung to the legs of the hunters, clearly looking for protection in people.

When four hunters (who seem to have seen everything in their lifetime) approached the lake, they saw in the light of their lanterns near a tree a man (or child), about one and a half meters tall, who flashed with fantastic red eyes, spread his wings, like the membranes of bats , and ... flew away into the night.

And finally, the story of Inessa Grigorieva from Khabarovsk deserves attention. She came to rest with her friends in the village of Anisievka somewhere in mid-January of this year. Walking in nature near the village, she accidentally noticed a very large bird. However, looking closer, the woman felt a real shock: it was a man with wings. And he was approaching ... The creature practically hovered in the air above the woman, numb with fear, while his hands, his face and his eyes were motionless. Inessa remembered very clearly these eyes - human and at the same time not quite human: they were so piercing and bewitching.

The man with wings descended, practically flew around the astonished woman, then soared up and disappeared from sight ...

Photos from open sources

In Primorye, no one can still give a clear definition of this phenomenon. On the one hand, everything can be attributed to hallucinations, nonsense and fiction of people, and on the other hand, there is too much evidence of a meeting with this mysterious flying man, and this has been happening for at least a hundred plus years. It is impossible to write off all this on some kind of mutant or relic: it is too long a period of time, especially since flying people are seen not only in the Primorsky Territory. Then, if you believe the testimony of the soldiers, it appears from the fireball. It turns out that it comes to us from a parallel world, most likely, like a yeti, chupacabra and other monsters that we can neither catch, nor even understand how and why they appear in our physical reality...

Is it possible to grow wings in a person with the help of, say, genetic modifications? (Don't laugh at the current) :). and got the best answer

Answer from Constructor[guru]
First, you can't.
And secondly, why?

Answer from Did Mazaj[guru]
Why wings? ? If you can't fly... How to have a box of vodka and not have a throat. . :))

Answer from Koroteev Alexander[guru]
Instead of hands? I don't think this will work...
I don’t think that anyone has been deeply involved in this issue, since no sense is foreseen. Firstly - if not instead of hands, but separately - we need a radically new skeleton and new joints. It's easier to sew. And secondly, a person’s complexion is not the one for flying: the bones are heavy, breathing is inadequate. Birds are mostly quite small for a reason. A person will need exorbitantly large wings and constantly eat to move them.
It’s easier to make mechanical ones - you just need an energy source with sufficient specific energy - again, the same situation with energy.

Answer from navigator[guru]
Well, why, gravity and metabolism will not allow flying. Other power-to-weight ratio, weight, metabolism..

Answer from Angelina Zhirova[active]
in our time, everything is possible, well, except for the super ability, but wings can be added to a child who has not yet been born to him, they can grow, but one question is why? but right now the main thing is to find a cure for rabies, and they found a cure for ebola

Answer from Їorn@ya Widows@[expert]
everything is possible!
with the help of genetic engineering, we have already received roses with the smell of toilet water from Calvin Klein, raised pigs without a drop of fat, grew tomatoes with "gills" (the northern fish gene was implanted in a tomato so that they would not freeze on the shelves in winter), soon people will have gills and wings on order.

Answer from Lyuda Dm...[guru]
everything grows from the needs of the development of habitats ... so did the birds. . but by a long way of natural evolution...
a person has such a need. . and he also mastered the airspace. . and even space. . and faster way... Learned how to build aircraft...
albeit by artificial methods, but also in a natural way. . well, if we assume that the intellect is given to a person, too, in the course of natural evolution ... it's just that evolution "came up" with faster ways of adapting living beings to their environment .. .
/ Tol, figured that she didn’t have millions of years left. . .and in a hurry... :)) /
but of course, the way of genetic modifications is different. . then the ability to fly is inherited ...
although. . and by "inheritance" you can pass on a purchased personal plane to your children ... :))

Answer from Andrey[guru]
With this name and surname, you are already in flight ....

Answer from white rabbit[guru]
1. TODAY, genetic engineering is not yet strong enough for such
2. What for? Well, your wings will grow - you still won't be able to fly! There is a lot of stuff here, from a lightweight skeleton and forced muscles to a more perfect bird brain!

Answer from Svetlana V. Shchegoleva[expert]
"If you don't have wings, don't let them grow" (Coco Chanel).
1. You just need to find out where the nearest (working) flying club is located;
2. Complete training in skydiving;
3. Become a full-fledged "winged" member of society ... 😉

Answer from magic life[guru]
I want to laugh xD

Answer from Pavel Gryaznov[master]
In our time, and without genetic modifications, everything is possible ...

Wings. They are given to everyone, but not everyone knows about them, let alone uses them. There are realities, for example, ours, where wings cannot be used for flight in the ordinary sense, but this does not negate their metaphysical meaning: a person with wings wants to fly, he feels inspired, inspired, free. Often the wings are blocked by us through fear (including flying), unwillingness to develop, it is easy to soar over the surface of the Ocean of Life. In other cases, the wings are blocked by "well-wishers" in order to prevent them from revealing their potential. In such cases, you can find not only dust and dirt on them, but also tying ropes, harnesses, belts, and sometimes man-made fasteners.

On the subtle plane, there are energy, field, butterfly, dragon, dragonfly, angelic, leather wings, with feathers, spikes, etc. Everything depends on those worlds, civilizations, species and bodies in which the soul has parallel aspects. Like every organ of the body, the wings are Alive, they have consciousness and even intelligence, you can talk to them, clean them, heal them, they have chakras, crystals and meridians. And of course, the first thing the wings want at the first contact is to fly, stretch)

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with excerpts from different sessions on this topic:


- At one time, 1.5-2 years ago, I had such a knowledge that I have wings and I mentally spread them and waved them, and it was like a pumping of energy. But now I understand that I do not need them, in fact.
- Do not rush to refuse the wings, describe how you see them?
- These are big white wings
And when you say you don't need them, what do you mean?

— That there is a spark, that everything comes from it.

- Great, then give the intention, light up your wings with a spark and give the intention that the spark itself will transform them into the form that is right for you now, maybe they will disappear, maybe they will play in a new way, maybe they will remain like that. same. Watch.

“They start to glow, just light wings from the same spectrum of energy as the Spark.

- Well done! And there is! Because it's all a sequel, of course! And you can also unfold knowledge, how to control these light wings, what are they for, what is their strength, how does this manifest itself in your life?

- Firstly, when I wave them, there is a certain feeling of power and the world opens forward. Secondly, I can hide behind them, twist myself, and this is how protection works.

In the session, I returned to a part of my soul - a girl who was hanging by strings between the Earth and another planet in space. And when they began to take her away, an amazing fantastic story turned out. I saw myself as a bird (falcon) from the planet white color. The planet is very small and everything is white on it - trees, grass, flowers, everything is colorless white. The planet has two protective energy fields that prevent aliens from landing. Bird people live on the planet, they look like those in the picture, only the plumage is very bright and they can completely become birds, removing the human face.

They have a collective consciousness and it was decided at the council that the group would fly to Earth to find the technology to paint their planet. The group consisted of 5 birds, we flew into the portal (like a pipe) and flew out not far from the Earth.

We were greeted by two transparent figures with wings like those of angels and were told that it would not be possible to incarnate just like that, there are certain rules. We will have to leave our skills, such as telepathy and some other, I do not remember. We will have 7 incarnations each, while between incarnations and in them we will not have to intersect with each other in any way. Then, at the end of incarnations, we will again collect our collective consciousness and fly away.

In the end, something went wrong and they forgot me, which made me very happy, because I did not want to return to my native cold and white planet. They came back for me several times, because a certain beacon worked, but I carefully hid and human souls helped me in this. I very well felt the resistance within myself at the mention of my home planet, I do not want to have a collective consciousness. I really like my individual.

My part, hanging in space, has long been forgotten there, because I missed my planet and my gifts, I did not want to lose my acquired skills. As a result, we were reunited with this part of my soul. It all sounds like some kind of fantastic story, I’m not very sure that, as it was voiced by me in the session, I live the 4th incarnation, but, as I understand it, there are assumptions and distortions of information. It would be interesting to go into one more session and take a closer look at the whole planet and this race. It was just that in this session there was no point in delving into these details, because it was more important to gather oneself and resolve vital issues.

D_A: I would not recommend for beginners to walk through other lives unnecessarily in the first sessions (just out of curiosity), but in this case it was really necessary for the assembly. In other cases, you first need to get used to the subtle plane and work through this life, understand your capabilities and tools. Situations are different and you first need to gain experience, a stable connection with the guardians, learn how to work with energies, check information and much more.

On the left shoulder blade - I found my wing, already slightly regrown. (a few days before the session, the shoulder blade began to hurt). The wing began to grow and again in the body began energy changes. I feel changes in my whole body. And from now because of this change I am quickly muffled though.
Pins in the hand (to support the hand). In physics, my arm hurt for half a session (a couple of days before the session, blood was taken) and the arm in that place was black. Dressed on left hand armor (completely covered the arm.

VYa distracted from cleaning. She said let's grow a wing. Wait, let's do this. The wing can be extended. Give energy to the arms, then to the shoulder, and then to the wing. But I found a more interesting solution. I asked A. to give me a hand and immediately it turned out to make the wing full-fledged (This can be done for a while. Absorbing the energy of A.)

I dabbled and wiggled my wings. V I said that if you wave your wing, you can put up protection. Cover yourself with a wing.

In cleaning, I found a bracelet around my neck and a feeling that it’s just like being pressed: bend down, bend down, obey. It turned out that this was the influence of the church, she regretted that she had baptized her children. A couple of days later I went for a walk with my daughter to the territory of our city monastery (it’s quiet there, ducks in the pond, pigeons, geese, swans), I was glad that I had freed myself from church influence and there was a feeling that the wings unfolded behind my back, so big and white.

Metallic and organic connections were identified, which for the most part were based on feelings of guilt, rejection of oneself and one's strengths. My precious wings opened up, the rainbow so-called incarnation ray was activated, and after cleansing, there was a clear understanding that I woke up after prolonged amnesia. The colors have clearly become brighter, and the space is denser. Cleaning had a joyful effect on me, and in anticipation of the session, I just danced. After cleaning and reassembly, the response was so powerful, a pillar of light and whirlwinds of energies, everything alien was simply swept away and melted.

I remember the moment of manifestation and transformation of the wings. Before that, there was an inner feeling that I was not allowed to “fly”. I was surprised by the large number of identified connections and all kinds of equipment.”

After that, the perception of the world around us changed. It became quieter, calmer. The response to people's actions has changed. There was more strength, wholeness, self-confidence appeared. 11 years ago, I “broke up” with a very unpleasant boss. All these years, if he remembered him, he began to shake. After the session - a reaction as to any other person, emotional calm. I might even work with him again. Words began to be found for meaningless chatter with strangers and unfamiliar people. It has become easier to show your emotions without bothering, but “what people will think”.

There was a calm confidence in the correctness of their actions. When communicating with people, the pre-evaluation function was “turned off”. Those. communication is built on the basis of real interaction, and not a model of how, in my opinion, one should communicate with this person. He stopped reacting sharply to provocations and attempts to manipulate. Listening to the session had an effect no less than the session itself. It became clear that many nuances, and even whole fragments, were not preserved in memory.

I have scars on my shoulder blades - they started looking and a picture began to come of how my wings were being torn out. To the question - who? I always answered "the same as me." For a long time the image did not leave and stood before my eyes. The wings were removed, as the energy was cut off. I feel like I can't restore them. This was done on purpose. I also found a tail. I have it small, but it should be big to the floor. I have armor on my body on my left shoulder, on right hand, kneeling and iron boots.

My child has beautiful wings like an angel's, but not like ours. While I was watching everything in the session, the child and I created vortices and dispersed energy. After looking at the child, I switched to my beloved A., he was three heads taller than me, stood in a pose of hands on his chest and legs shoulder-width apart. It has a full tail and large wings. He is the same as me, but we are not like a child. It came to me that we are somehow connected with dragons, wings and tails like dragons, but we are always in human form, either it is in that space, or we are such in and of ourselves. It came to me to dance (for a long time I could not understand and laughed,

The Guardian has a peculiar sense of humor). Then it came that I had to ask a question. I could not understand what kind of question (it looked like he was pointing his finger at his beloved A. and mentally saying ask, ask) the question was about his Rod. What is in his family? He was called to the clan, and he is the most important defender of the clan. He has a father and he failed. The father was the first and he could not cope with it. A. was second. A. The main one with spread wings like a wall, and the father is smaller and his wings are torn off like mine. The father cannot stand what is from his family (looking behind their backs, I saw something black and viscous and could not understand what it was), A. when he was born, he stopped it.

By the way, in the movie Jupiter Rising» told interesting story about how you can lose your wings. Revisit it, it shows many layers of reality, you can consider it almost documentary.

During the general cleansing, the thought appeared that I had wings. They reminded of their existence. I felt them, at first timidly, then more confidently. Large white wings, feathers. I seem to be an angel. It happens? And what part of me is an angel? The understanding came that I know how to fly and control them in flight, in motion. I mentally tried to fly - it turns out easily, although there was no such experience in my dreams. In my dreams, I flew like a superman, turning off / forgetting about gravity, I had no other support in the air. In meditation on the course about wings, I did not get this experience (Wings? What is it about? It's not about me for sure). Now I feel my strength and power when I spread my wings.

I saw my wings and could not understand what was wrong with them. A second wing appeared and for me it was somehow not logical. Wings are different both in appearance and in type of energy. Feelings in the body are different and for a reason. One projects, and the second receives information (energy). - In general, the twisting of energy and processing it. This is how people can be healed. You put your hands on your back and drive to the vertebra. Energy enters from one hand (right) passes through a person and enters the other (left) and is processed. (often such information comes, but unfortunately, I can’t understand it now, and the keeper and Vya said that it’s too early ...).

2 wings were found in the session - one black, the other white
Q: Why are the wings different colors?
A: To get to both ends of the universe))

Birds born in a cage think flying is a disease

When a mysterious object crossed the sky over the city of Mount Vernoy (Illinois) on the evening of April 14, 1897, more than a hundred of its inhabitants, including the mayor of W.S. Wells, observed him, and later testified.

In the press, this event was described as follows: “... This something resembled the shape of the body of a large man, which floated through the air and electric light. His body was definitely black."

Articles and reports of the military and police about "flying creatures" that outwardly resemble people and their physique are quite rare even among anomalous phenomena, although they make their way into a special and even periodical press. A man with wings was once seen over Brooklyn. It happened on September 18, 1877, or so the New York Sun reported on September 21, at any rate.

Photo of an unidentified black creature with wings on a bridge taken in 2003

It is believed that this is no less mysterious Mothman

And 3 years later, a similar message appeared in the respected New York Times newspaper: “In the sky over Coney Island, on September 12, a man with bat wings was seen. Its hind limbs resembled frog legs in structure. He was flying at least 300 meters and kept heading towards New Jersey. This creature could easily be seen from the ground."

In 1947, the Russian writer V. Karseniev told a story that happened on July 11, 1908. It was officially published in his book. There he talks about his personal experience of living in the Sikhote-Alin mountains, not far from Vladivostok.

“Once in the mountains, during a period of prolonged rains, the downpour suddenly stopped, although the temperature remained relatively low, a water mist crept over the waters of the rivers. And then I noticed a certain mark on the dirt path.

It stood out clearly against the background of untouched soil and resembled a clear trace of a human foot. My dog ​​Alpha sniffed at the print, immediately bristled all over, growled, and rushed to scour the nearby bushes. However, she did not move far, and then completely froze in place. I stopped and stomped around for a few minutes. Then I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in the direction of an unknown beast. And then something happened that I did not expect.

Another American shot of a creature with wings.

I heard the sound of wings as they beat against each other as they took off. Something large emerged from the foggy haze and flew over the river. A moment later, this something disappeared into a thick fog. And my dog, frightened, clung to my legs. After dinner, I told the man from Udehe this story. And he began to picturesquely tell me numerous stories about a man who can fly through the sky. Hunters, he said, often met him on their way. The bird-man leaves footprints that suddenly disappear." Arsenyev heard a great many similar stories and epics in those parts.


One night in 1952, US Air Force Private Sinclair Taylor, while on combat duty at the Okubo military camp (Japan), heard a loud noise of a bird taking off (or the sound of wings). Looking into the sky, he immediately noticed the silhouette of a huge bird, clearly visible against the background of the bright moon. When the bird flew over the private, he was visibly frightened and disappeared into the sentry box. The bird interrupted its flight, hovering in the sky and watching the soldier.

At the next drop of the bird to the ground, the private noted that the flying creature had a human body. Taylor later recalled: “She seemed to me more than two meters, if you take her from head to limbs. And the wingspan was not inferior to these parameters. I began to shoot at the creature and used up almost the entire magazine of my carbine. Eventually, it began to plan towards the ground. There are no more cartridges left. And when the guard sergeant appeared to investigate the incident, he told Taylor that the same emergency had happened there a year ago.

The following story about a flying humanoid belongs to the soldier Earl Morrison from the security unit. This story reached the ears of the famous ufologist Don Worley, who later interviewed the private himself. Here the incident took place in August 1969 in Vietnam. The first naval division was based in the town of Da Nang. Immediately, three soldiers witnessed an extraordinary spectacle an hour after midnight. The soldiers were sitting at the bunker and talking casually when they noticed some large bird in the sky: “At first it seemed to us that we were observing a bird with a large wingspan.

We didn't see anything behind the wings. It was something extremely reminiscent of a large bat. The creature reminded me of a woman, a naked woman. I remember we laughed about it. But it really looked like a dark-skinned naked woman. At any rate, this strange creature's skin looked dark brown in the moonlight. And the feathers were also very dark, almost black. And at the same time, this creature was all shining, even blazing, giving off a green gloomy brilliance.

At one point, it caught up with us. There were no more than 2-3 meters to the wings. We stared at the creature with all our eyes, and it calmly glided over our heads, flapping its wings, making no other noises or sounds.


On January 6, 1948, an adult woman with a group of children observed, near the city of Chiheilis (Washington), presumably a man who skillfully manipulated special tools, adjusting the equipment of mechanical wings attached to his chest. At the same time, he moved through the air in a straight (vertical) position.

On June 18, 1953, 3 residents of Houston immediately acted as witnesses that they all saw with their own eyes the landing of an unknown object in the form of a plate. Three grown men at this morning hour were sitting in the shade of a small cafe located on the spacious terrace of a two-story building. It was very hot, and therefore the cafe's visitors did not want to go out into the sun from the shady coolness of the terrace.

Then they all turned their attention to an unknown man, who was wearing an unusual tight-fitting black and gray jumpsuit. Witnesses clearly saw some wings on his shoulders, reflecting a metallic sheen in the sun. And this strange subject also had a certain cylindrical object of a rocket-like shape. When he, without haste and without fuss, put all this equipment on himself, the humanoid literally melted into the air within a few seconds, like an ephemeral vision.

And yet, the stories of the Mothmans that startled and frightened the inhabitants of the Ohio River Valley in 1966 and 1967 are considered the most startling facts. They were observed by dozens of eyewitnesses who swore and swore on the Bible in the authenticity of their words. Witnesses described the flying humanoids as follows: “These strange bipedal creatures had the physique of ordinary people. Perhaps only the chest looked more developed and strong than in humans.

Their wings are very similar to those of bats. They easily folded so that they were not even noticeable. They were distinguished by large eyes that produced a hypnotic effect: very large and shiny. When these creatures flew through the air, we heard a kind of mechanical buzzing. The sound came from them or their mechanics.”

Have you ever thought about your nature? Surely in childhood someone tried to test their wings. Here, I will accelerate now, I will run - I will run and I will wave my arms very strongly and fly, adults simply do not know that it is possible to fly. They forgot about it!

Life is so multifaceted that we often forget ourselves who we are, where we come from, and what we can do!

All that holds us back is only ourselves! Or rather, fears within yourself! They constantly whine to us - here, don’t go there, then don’t do it, but don’t act like that, otherwise Vasya, Yulia, Petya, but how can they be without you, but parents, but work, someone should do it ?

And all you need to do is fly to St. Petersburg for the exhibition! And a hundred stop cranes immediately slow you down! You need to start with the simplest! Break away from your place for a kilometer, for 20 kilometers, spend the night in another city. Of course, I want to highlight - my story is for those who want to change something in their lives. And if your priority route is refrigerator-TV-sofa, then this is not for you.

Most of the time, we don't like something. He just doesn't like it, whether it's a job, a wife, a salary, a city, a country. Turn around and go, fly, drive, and something will start happening to you! Start at least by trying a different route to get to work! Did it work before? And How? Unusual? Fear of passing the right stop did not crush?)))

So, we humans are by nature free! Society has come up with tons of ways to nail you to the spot! Previously, specialists were distributed from institutes with an obligation to work for 3 years in some Muhosransk (sorry this is literary). Work? Yes, drink vodka - roll the earth? no, it's boring, .. youth is rushing, and then a girl, as luck would have it, is a beauty or a guy in front of her nose, back and forth, well .... a year later, a child, a collective farm gives a cow and voila, a man in a trap. Well, where will he go - family, child, leave everything, back to St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosib into the unknown? who needs us there? And fears have crushed the person!!! Everything is a voluntary prison!!! Although nothing prevents you from taking a vacation, a little accumulated money and rushing to the same Moscow or Kazan, renting an apartment and starting to live and work from what you can!??? No, it's necessary to have wings behind your back! And we have them! God created us in his own image and likeness!))) We simply do not remember this or do not want to remember. We are free a priori!

The same with our consciousness! Here it is written in the instructions to do this and that, but like this? It is forbidden? No, not that it would be possible, but simply not forbidden! so what's up? Forward!!! Let's start with the fact that many of you now have smartphones in your hands. Did you know that you can use them without a cellular network? hah!! Not? I bet you didn't even think of that! and all you have in the first place in the hands of the receiver and transmitter! And all you need is that charging and frequency. Not everything is so simple, of course, but you can make a connection with each other within the house! Have you heard of the enterprise network? about the admin network? ok, let's go!

So the most important thing in life for flying is to be able to use the wings that you have. Although other options are possible

So to sum it up, all the fuses, stops and limits are in your head. I recommend choosing a plan of action for yourself and take off! Everything in your hands WINGS!

@tandemus was with you all the good of the world and good day