Face painting cartoon characters. DIY face painting for children: recommendations for face art

Face painting for children is one of the most interesting entertainments. All guys, without exception, adore painting faces, trying on funny faces of animals. It is especially fun to transform with the help of face painting at children's parties and performances.

This safe "make-up" can be applied not only at a masquerade, but also at home if parents want to diversify their child's leisure time. You can buy paints for body art, but it is much more interesting to do face painting with your own hands. Our master class is dedicated to little fans of experiments and magical transformations!

How to make face painting yourself
We offer you a mini-instruction on how to make a safe paint for painting the body and face.
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon cold cream
1/2 teaspoon water
food coloring
In a bowl, combine cold cream and starch, then add water and food coloring. Mix the ingredients well. You should have a creamy paint that won't drip or run. Use different food colors to make dyes of different colors. It is recommended to store the finished paint in a closed airtight container.

How to use face painting for children
Gather your child's hair in a ponytail to open up the forehead to the maximum, use a cape that you do not mind getting dirty. It is convenient to use a compact soft brush to apply baby face painting on the face and other parts of the body. When doing this, make sure that the paint does not get into your eyes. Makeup is easy to remove with soap and water.
Children, unlike adults, cannot sit still for a long time. Therefore, you need to apply paint on the face of a fidget quickly. In addition, babies can feel funny and ticklish from the touch of a sponge, which can affect the quality of the child's war paint. So try to distract your child with casual conversation when doing body art.
You should not paint children who are not yet three years old, as well as children with sensitive skin that reacts to face painting components. Before starting work, it is better to test the paint on a small area of ​​the skin to check if the crumbs are allergic. If the baby has skin diseases or open wounds, then body art is not worth it.

Why are face painting classes useful?
1. Children's face painting is a very exciting and interesting activity. This pastime brings kids together and improves communication skills.
2. If kids paint each other's faces, they develop imagination and creativity. They learn to paint, train their color perception and get the opportunity to express themselves.
3. Face painting classes allow you to diversify your leisure time, make the holiday fun unforgettable. Ideas for children's face painting: photos The most suitable images that little ones will be happy to try on - "makeup" of a fairy, butterfly, kitty, princess, star, rainbow, ladybug, heart or flower. Great ideas face painting for boys - lion, robot, spiderman, pirate, batman, tiger, Indian, monster. In this photo selection, there is definitely something interesting for the transformation of your daughter or son.

All kids love the holidays! And we, parents, make sure that children's parties are held with a "twist", a twinkle, lighting cheerful smiles on the faces of the children. In our time of progress, diversity and great opportunities, you can try yourself in the arena of a make-up artist, creating a creative image for a party using bright makeup for children.

And what needs to be done so that a children's holiday (especially a birthday) goes without a hitch and remains in the child's memory for a long time? Right! You need to come up with something extraordinary, fantasy, capable of amaze, charm, help the baby learn new things. Lacking imagination and surroundings? There is a solution: ordering animators for a children's birthday, where the Barboskins, Minions, Fixies, Smeshariki and other personalities, very famous in children's circles, will amuse the children in full, making the birthday fabulously exciting.

But we, parents should also try - to use special brushes and water-based paints, to come up with a funny makeup for children, using fancy patterns with rhinestones and feathers, playing with all kinds of shade colors.

Cute makeup for children: ideas and rules

To transform your child, "turn" him into a fairytale hero: a gnome, a prince, a pirate (if it is a boy), Snow White, Peppa Pig or Thumbelina (for a girl), you need to know several rules and stages of preparation of the process of children's makeup, about which PhotoElf magazine Facial Skin Care will tell you now.

Let's start with a selection of the necessary tools, using a special make-up for children in our future masterpiece or face painting, which is determined by the complexity of the image you choose that you want to create. Some parents often use make-up cosmetics designed for adults for their children's makeup.

Do not do this. Adult decorative cosmetics not at all suitable for delicate baby skin, use safe water-based paints or a palette of special children's makeup.

Use natural baby cosmetics from trusted manufacturers:

  • Douce Nature Bebe and Coslys (France)
  • Brelil and Helan (Italy)
  • Estel and Mir Detstva (Russia)

... and similar quality cosmetics for kids.

Very important point, is the use of various interesting details of the image: feathers, mica, false eyelashes, velvet, mesh, rhinestones, sequins, paint for body art, etc. For convenience and simplicity, you should transfer your plan to paper, having thoroughly worked out the sketch. And of course - your child should also take part in this exciting business. Is the sketch ready? Now we are preparing the baby's skin for applying makeup.

How to prepare your child's face for makeup?

First of all, tuck your baby's hair under a special hat or simply tie it up (if you have a girl, you can make a “ponytail”) so that it does not interfere with your creative process.

Stages of preparing a child's face for makeup

1. Clean your baby's skin with a safe, alcohol-free lotion (you can use micellar water).

2. Apply a light moisturizer or regular petroleum jelly to the skin as a base for make-up - apply quickly, trying to move your fingers from the center of the face to its edges; Blot the rest of the product with a cosmetic napkin.

3. Now you need to smooth out the child's skin with the help of the tinting makeup base, for this it is better to take a pastel palette, then use a blush, in full agreement with the sketch you developed in advance.

4. That's it! Your "canvas" is a child's face, ready to be painted. Arm yourself with a makeup kit, brushes and get started. By the way, it is very good to use the powerful potential of face painting.

IMPORTANT! Before applying even safe (in your opinion) paints and cosmetics to the delicate skin of a child, test them a couple of hours before applying on the baby's wrist. No reaction: redness, irritation? Great! You can safely make up your beloved child.

Fasten mica, rhinestones, feathers and everything that is provided for gluing on the face with a special, safe adhesive - a fixer for false eyelashes is also quite suitable.

A theme party or birthday is always dancing, running around, active movements, and receiving various goodies. So that all this does not affect the extraordinary children's make-up, and it does not "crawl" from the child's face, be sure to use the fixative when you completely finish painting your child.

Party Makeup Ideas for Kids

By drawing the wings of the butterfly symmetrically in the corners of the eyes, we will create the image of a mysterious forest fairy.

  • False eyelashes with feathers, black eyeliner and red lips (you can use mom's bright lipstick) will make the girl a magic sorceress who rules the forests and seas.
  • Blue rhinestones in the corners of the eyes and delicate sparkles of azure color will create a unique image of the little mermaid Ariel.
  • Drawn black eyeliner lines and whimsical patterns on the cheeks and temples will transform the girl into the queen of Egypt.
  • A dashingly curled mustache and a thick eyeliner line are perfect for making up a pirate who conquers the depths of the sea.

Create and fantasize for the joy of everyone - make-up for children will help you!

Fantasy, a creative approach to creating an image and patience will help your kid transform into any character from a fairy tale through interesting makeup, suitable accessories and an interesting costume, and funny animators, according to a pre-formed program, will focus on your child's image.

Face painting

If for creative children's makeup you need to draw the face of a fairy-tale character or the muzzle of an animal, then face painting will do. Before applying it, be sure to use a foundation. Such make-up on the face of children turns out to be very persistent and neat, gently affects the skin, without irritating or overdrying it! Quite good are the face painting kits from the Australian company TAG and bodypainting paints CAMELEON.

Face painting is drawings on the face with special paints that are easy to wash off and are completely safe. This kind of entertainment is ideal for a children's party: birthday, theme party, graduation. How to make face painting for children with your own hands?

DIY face painting: materials and tools

In order to draw funny patterns on children's faces, you will need:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponges;
  • pure water;
  • sheet;
  • a hoop or headband;
  • napkins;
  • mirror.

Now about all the points in order. Special paints are used for face painting. You can buy them at party or art stores, as well as face or body art studios.

Face painting paints are dry, similar to ordinary watercolor. For drawing, they will have to be diluted with water. There are liquid paints - in jars and tubes. They are completely ready to use. To make the images of children brighter, drawings on the face are decorated with glitter, special rhinestones. All this can also be purchased without any problems in makeup stores.

Do-it-yourself paint for face painting. To do this, you need to mix:

  • 3 tablespoons of starch;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of water;
  • 10-15 grams of baby cream.

Any food coloring should be gradually added to the resulting mass, drop by drop, until the desired color is obtained.

To paint face painting, you will need tools: brushes and sponges. Brushes can be purchased at a craft store. For beautiful drawing you need several brushes: thick and medium - for large details, thin - for contours. The background of the face painting is done using a sponge - a piece of washcloth.

In addition, a sheet should be prepared for applying face art - to cover the shoulders and clothes of the child while drawing. Although face painting is easy to clean, it is better to play it safe and save your holiday outfits. To remove hair from the face of the model, a hoop or headband will do.

And, of course, before drawing face painting, you need to stock up on napkins: dry, wet and clean rags. Clean water is on the must-have list. It is required for thinning paints, washing brushes and sponges.

The application of face painting for children is complicated by their restlessness, but for a beautiful drawing it is important that the baby sit still. A large mirror installed opposite the child can solve the problem - the fidget will admire his magical transformation.

Children's face painting: how to paint on the faces of babies

Face painting is a creative process. But there are still some face art rules that need to be followed.

The drawing is applied in two stages:

  • Face toning for a smooth foundation. It is convenient to apply the tone with a sponge: moisten with water, squeeze and rub against the paint. It is better to tone the face in a circular motion - then, after drying, the base will be even. If the mask is drawn over the entire face, it is important to paint over the eyelids and the corners of the eyes well. For small patterns on the cheek or forehead, tone can be dispensed with.
  • Drawing individual elements. A thin brush is used for beautiful and even contours. It should be held at right angles to your face.

Before applying one paint on top of another, you should wait until the first coat has dried.

Children are special clients for face painting masters. Toddlers are not only fidgets, but are often ticklish. Therefore, before applying face painting to a child, you need to brush over the face with a dry brush. If the baby feels comfortable, you can start drawing. And if he is very ticklish, you should choose a simple face painting, which will take no more than a minute. It can be a flower, an asterisk, a cobweb, etc.

Before drawing face painting, the master always talks to the child about his character. It is important that the baby likes the proposed image. For professionals who make face painting for children, the ideas of drawings on the face are collected in catalogs. The child only needs to choose what is more to his liking.

A lot of fun is available to modern children, for example, children's face painting is hefty famous. This type of body art is harmless due to the special composition of paints and is in great demand at children's parties. Parents can do many drawings on their faces on their own, but you need to know the rules for applying paints and the features of this technique.

Face drawings

Some parents confuse aquagraph with face painting. However, these are two different special technologies. They make drawings with face painting for children for New Year's holidays, birthdays and other events. The paint is applied with a special harmless water-based composition, therefore it does not cause allergies and does not clog into the pores on the skin. In addition, the composition is hefty flexible, does not crack when dried. High-quality paint should dry quickly and not stain during the work of the face painting. Face art for children is famous: drawings do not lose their appearance for a long time and are easily washed off with soap and water.

Before starting this procedure at home, you need to purchase all the materials and tools for face painting. The price for paints and kits is reasonable. It is allowed to buy everything in an online store or a supermarket, where there is a special section of goods for creativity. In order to make drawings on the face for children and adults, you will need the following:

  • paints of various colors;
  • sponge;
  • sponge;
  • natural material brushes;
  • pencils or crayons.

The face painting technique is primitive even for beginners. However, before you paint the face of your beloved baby, you should consider the following contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • scratches, injuries on the face;
  • skin diseases.

What is allowed to paint on the face depends on the age and gender of the child. Girls, as usual, like images of flowers, faces of kittens or chanterelles, images of fairies, snowflakes or princesses. For boys, the make-up of a superman, a pirate, a wolf or a spider-man is more suitable. In any case, it is necessary to consider the wishes of the child and apply the image that he likes. It is important to consider the age of the baby and not make the image too terrible, so as not to scare your child. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to brush the child's face with a dry brush so that he gets used to new sensations.

How to paint on the face of children? Below are the basic steps and rules for beginners:

  • The base must be applied from the hairline with the help of a sponge or sponge. Special attention is paid to the nasolabial folds, the area around the eyes, eyebrows.
  • With the help of a wide brush, the eyelids are treated.
  • Eyebrows are drawn with a special pencil.
  • The drawing is applied in stages: on the cheeks, lips, chin of the child.
  • They work on silhouettes and small details.
  • Halloween face painting

    One of the specific holidays, the one that last years children and adults alike celebrate Halloween. The image on a given day must certainly be special, therefore, make-up for children that turns them into zombies, vampires, witches and ghouls will be hefty appropriate. However, the make-up of the baby should be different from that of the adult. The paint should be tested for allergens, and the picture itself shouldn't be too intimidating.

    Face painting for girls

    It is important for little women of fashion at any age to be the most beautiful. Face drawings for girls should be chosen taking into account the event. It can be:

    • bee;
    • fish;
    • The Snow Queen;
    • kitty;
    • butterfly;
    • Fox;
    • bird;
    • Princess;
    • angel.

    Face painting for boys

    When choosing an image for a little boy, you should consider his age. If the child is small, then it is more cool to make up for him as a harmless cartoon character, a kitten, a hedgehog or other cute animal. It is recommended to ask the kid himself who he wants to be. Face drawings for boys school age can be in the form of images of superheroes, pirates, koshcheev, ninja turtles, dragons.

    Face painting for the New Year

    One of the most anticipated holidays for all guys is New year... On this occasion, face-art masters are often invited to matinees, who inexpensively and quickly paint all the fairy-tale heroes or cute animals present in them. Specialists invariably have a catalog with a photo, where they are allowed to prefer an image for themselves. If the parents decide to do New Year's face painting for children on their own, then it is permissible to portray:

    • snowflakes;
    • princess;
    • penguin;
    • snowman;
    • frosty pattern;
    • the snow queen.

    Face painting Cat

    To turn your child into a comic kitty, you need special paints, brushes, a sponge, water and cotton swabs. Below is an instruction with a photo of how to draw a cat on the face:

  • With a sponge, apply a white base (between the eyebrows, chin, bridge of the nose).
  • Ears are painted with pink paint over the eyebrows.
  • A black silhouette of the ears is made with a thin brush.
  • Draw a nose and a mustache.
  • Add pink hairs on the cheeks and chin.
  • Face painting Butterfly

    One of the famous looks for girls of all ages is the lovely butterflies. However, before you draw such a picture for a baby, it is worth showing her photos of examples, not all girls will want such face painting for tea. If the model is ready, then follow the further instructions on how to draw a butterfly on your face:

  • Apply base with white makeup (forehead, cheekbones).
  • Draw the silhouette of the wings in black with the help of a thin brush.
  • Make another silhouette larger than the shiny shade with a larger brush.
  • Add fancy patterns of shiny colors.
  • Draw the body of a butterfly with antennae on the child's nose.
  • Add colorful stripes across the body of the butterfly.
  • If desired, it is allowed to add sparkles.

  • Face painting Tiger

    This option is suitable for children of different ages. A tiger on your face will look spectacular on virtually any holiday. In order to paint it, you will need orange, black and white paints, brushes of various diameters, a sponge. The steps for creating a pattern on a child's face are described below:

  • White paint for face painting draws the nose and cheeks of the upcoming tiger cub.
  • They depict the upper eyelid, muzzle silhouettes, chin.
  • An even layer of orange paint is applied to the rest of the child's face.
  • Details are painted with black paint: mustache, stripes, nose, mouth.
  • Face painting spiderman

    Many boys choose this look for the holidays. Spider-man face painting must be backed up with an appropriate costume. Even inexperienced make-up artists will be able to draw a picture on a child's face. It is necessary to prepare red and black paint for face painting, brushes of various thicknesses, raw napkins, cotton wool. Steps how to paint a face:

  • Apply the red base on the baby's face with a sponge.
  • Draw the silhouette of the glasses and the longitudinal stripes in black.
  • Draw transverse lines, emphasize details.
  • Face painting Dog

    The muzzle of a cute doggie is allowed to decorate the baby's face before visiting the New Year's holiday, Halloween or other themed events. There are many options for the image of this bestial. In order to draw a dog according to the instructions below, you will need makeup paints of chestnut, white, pink, black colors. If desired, it is allowed to add a yellow tint. How to draw a dog with face painting:

  • From the eyebrows to the cheeks of the child, paint the ears of the puppy with white paint.
  • White spots are applied in the chin area above the lips.
  • Paint the tongue of the dog in the corner of the mouth with pink and white paint.
  • They draw silhouettes and small details in black.
  • If the dog is painted for a girl, then sparkles are added at will.
  • Shading face painting.

  • Face painting Fox

    Every girl wants to be a tricky fox only once. For such a case, it is allowed to try face painting with the appropriate costume. Below is the step-by-step instruction How to paint a face in order to get the image of a fox:

  • A base of a clear yellow or white shade is applied.
  • They draw eyebrows, arrows in front of the eyes, highlight the nose.
  • At will, they draw a mustache, but it is permissible to do without them.
  • Orange face paint is applied from the nose to the cheekbones.
  • To make the fox's fur seem shaggy, apply a few strokes of yellow and white around the edges.
  • Face painting Pirate

    This option will be a winning one at any children's party. How to make a pirate make-up for a child:

  • Draw a red bandana with a knot and hanging tips.
  • One eye is circled, depicting a pirate blindfold.
  • They draw a mustache and a beard.
  • The bandana is decorated with white peas.
  • Face painting Bear

    This version of face art is suitable for kids of all ages. If it is necessary to decorate the girl's face, then it is allowed to depict the bear with a bow. The procedure will require a typical set of materials, white, chestnut, black paint. How the drawing of a teddy bear muzzle on the face of a child takes place is described below:

  • A silhouette of a bear's head is drawn on the forehead, chin, near the child's ears.
  • Ears are depicted on the forehead.
  • The area of ​​the mouth and nose is painted more with clear chestnut paint, the rest is dark.
  • Draw the bear's face with black paint.
  • The cheeks show off with a clear color.

  • Face painting Princess

    Almost any girl will come to a furore from such an image for a New Year tree or other event. The princess face painting will be extremely popular for true fashionistas who adore fluffy dresses and sequins. Stages of drawing:

  • Silhouettes of the coming crown are painted on the child's forehead with pink face paint.
  • With a sponge or sponge, paint over the crown pink.
  • Highlight the silhouette with black glossy paint using a thin brush.
  • Sequins depict a diamond in the center of the crown.
  • A pendant is painted with white paint between the eyebrows.
  • Long cilia are painted on the upper eyelid with black face paint.
  • Highlight the tops of the lips in scarlet.
  • Face painting lion

    Another successful make-up option for children is the image of a lion. This option is extremely suitable for boys. In order to independently make face painting Leo, you need to prepare a container with water, brushes, sponge and paint black, chestnut, orange, yellow flowers... Stages of drawing:

  • The base is applied with yellow paint.
  • The silhouette of the lion's fur is drawn in orange.
  • The mouth and the area around the eyes of the child are highlighted with white paint.
  • Eyebrows and cat's eyes are painted in a dark color.
  • White mustache is depicted above the lip.
  • The transitions near the eyes and mouth are shaded with brown paint.

  • Face painting price

    It is allowed to order painting on the face from a professional aqua make-up artist. Various companies offer this service at hourly rates. The cost depends on the number of children and the specific region. How much does face painting cost from specialists? The price can vary from 800 to 2500 rubles per hour. Another option for parents is to purchase paint brushes and paint the children themselves. The price of the kit depends on the configuration. On average, you will have to pay from 600 to 3000 rubles. For pencils and crayons, the price was set on the tier of 150-400 rubles per set.

    Video: face painting lessons for children

    Obviously, if this is your first time drawing pictures on the faces of children, you should prepare several images in advance. The Internet is a great resource for finding the simplest images, which can be especially helpful if you've just started practicing facial drawing. From cats and dogs to your favorite superheroes, you can find the looks you need.

    Fundamentals of face painting

    The first thing you need to do when you are going to paint on a child's face (although it would be nice if you first practice before showing your talents to the public) is to imagine what the child's face should look like as a result. This is why it would be good to print the image ahead of time before you start painting. You can use regular brushes to apply face paint, but it would be better if you use sponges instead of brushes to apply paint to large areas, for example, when you apply base paint to your face. It is better to use a sponge, because this way you will be able to cover most faces faster and you don't have to worry about washing these sponges because they are completely inexpensive. In addition, the sponge will allow you to apply the paint more evenly, which will help prevent streaks. It doesn't matter if you use a brush or a sponge, you should apply the paint in a thin layer; and if there is too much paint, it will crack or lose its shine.

    Your first face painting experience

    Before you start painting on your face for the first time, you need to print out the images you like and limit yourself to those that you have already tried. Let the children choose the images they would like you to paint. Let's hope that the limited number of images presented to children will delight them and save you from the fact that children will ask you to draw characters you don't know.

    More advanced facial art

    After you master the basics, you can try to develop new skills in creating more complex images. One of the biggest challenges can be giving up the basic drawings and asking the children to come up with what they want to see on their face. You will be amazed and delighted with their requests, and at the same time, you will be amazed at your new face painting abilities!

    So, let's talk about face painting

    Face painting ( Face painting) are creative drawings that are applied to the face and body with special paint. Children very often fantasize and imagine themselves as princesses, brave princes, butterflies, wizards, and many other fairy-tale characters! Face painting is a kind of costume element. He not only draws attention to the action, but also shows the character of the character, for the opportunity to immerse himself in his fabulous, Magic world... Face painting is absolutely harmless to the skin, it is easy to apply and also easily washed off with water and soap

    How simple and easy to set a new mood, image, help children and adults become fairytale heroes... Just a little makeup on the face. This is done by professionals, but you can also try it for amateurs. The main thing is a good mood and creative enthusiasm.

    Makeup... Tips for beginners

    And in dramatic and musical productions, and just on a fun holiday, makeup helps to forget about reality and plunge headlong into fantasy world... Well, in fact, what kind of Dracula is without the deathly pallor of his face and bloody fangs? A Clown would be funny without a red nose and a painted smile?

    Basic accessories

    Makeup can be purchased at a department store, toy store, but it is better to buy it in specialized theater stores. True, there it is more expensive, but less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Water-based formulations are preferred over fat-based formulations, as they are easier to rinse off the face and tools. You need to have: colorless powder, pencils, lipstick, powdered eyeshadow and blush, face paints of various shades, a basin of water, clean towels (both for wiping brushes and putting things in order, and for protecting clothes), 1-2 fine brushes, a large brush, a puff, two or three sponges, tape to remove hair from the forehead, shine, glitter powder, petroleum jelly, cotton or cotton swabs, napkins, a bar of soap, Dettol or similar disinfectant.

    Hygiene rules

    Some makeup and face paints, especially red ones, contain powerful pigments. Perform a topical allergy skin test on your child before applying them to your face. If redness or itching appears on the skin area, stop using the product, rinse thoroughly and lubricate the inflamed area with a soothing cream or lotion.But even if an allergic reaction does not occur, it is a good idea to apply a protective layer of the cream under the makeup. Have soapy water with a few drops of Dettol ready to clean your brushes and other makeup accessories. You can soak makeup accessories in soapy water. When making up multiple children, be sure to disinfect the tools as you move from one child to the next. If you are using fat-based makeup, you will need synthetic sponges, which must be boiled after use.


    If you are planning something ambitious — say, a character or a fairytale character — draw a sketch first on a piece of paper. This will make your job easier and less likely to make a mistake. It is also helpful to start from the upper part of the face if possible. Then you can touch the baby's skin without the fear of smearing what has already been done. Eyebrow shading: If you have enough time, you can shade your eyebrows before starting your makeup. This will allow you to expand your field of activity to include the brow area. You can get a variety of facial expressions simply by changing the shape of your eyebrows. Moisten the rim of a bar of soap with water and lather your eyebrows with it, running one hair up and down the other. This changes the line of the eyebrows, the hairs are pressed tightly to the skin. Let them dry for a few seconds. Now apply the foundation on your brows using your finger or a sponge. Apply a layer of compressed powder with a puff, pressing it into the creamy base. Foundation Application: Using a sponge, starting from the center of the forehead, apply foundation, moving the sponge crosswise and downwards on both sides of the face and on the chin. Have your child look up at the ceiling so they can apply foundation under the eyes. If the base is uneven, apply a second coat, this time patting rather than stroking, to avoid damaging the undercoat. Eyeshadow: With a soft brush, apply the powdery eyeshadow of your chosen shade. Ask the child to close their eyes while doing this. Eyebrows: Draw the desired shape with a soft pencil or a thin brush. Blush: Apply blush to your cheeks with a large fluffy brush or cotton swab. Start near your hairline and work your way forward, blending the blush towards your nose. For more drama, you can use glitter powder, Lipstick: Apply lipstick with a cotton swab (use it only once and throw it away) or with a small brush. Contour: If the makeup consists of several colors, apply their contours on the face with a thin brush or soft pencil. Then the makeup of different colors will not smudge and take on an untidy look. Glitter: If you want to decorate your face with glitter, light this area with petroleum jelly a little, and then stick glitter on it according to your scheme. Avoid applying glitter near your eyes.

    Removing make-up

    Water-based makeup can be easily washed off with mild soap and water. Make-up based on creams and oils is washed off with the help of special products. To remove glitter from your face, cut a piece of duct tape over the glitter. Press lightly and remove. The sequins will stick to the tape.

    Description of the face painting example


    1. Put a point at the tip of the nose (at the most protruding place). Draw a horizontal line through this point, starting from the wings of the nose. Paint the nose below the drawn line with a dark color (black or brown).
    2. Draw straight vertical lines from the eyebrows to the previously drawn horizontal line. Tint the wings of the nose with a darker shade, the resulting strip in the middle of the nose - lighter.
    3. Draw a line along the hollow above the upper lip. Paint over the upper lip with a dark pencil. If the lips are full, pre-cover with foundation, and only then draw a thin line.
    4. Paint over the area above the upper lip with white. Draw antennae and dots.
    5. Around the eye, grabbing a small area above the eyebrow and part of the cheek, draw a "spot" and paint over it with white (or, conversely, dark).

    Because theatrical to get hold of it is not always possible, then you can, for example, get by with a simple cosmetic pencil and buy brown and white eyeshadows without sparkles and mother-of-pearl.

    Advice. If you have to make up with simple eyeshadow, first apply a cream or foundation on your face, because shadows crumble.

    Snowflake Image, Zimushki, Snow Queen, Snakes, Stars, etc. can be effectively emphasized with body jewelry. The easiest (but not the cheapest) way is to stick special Swarovski Crystal Tattoo on your face. They are easy to apply, do not wash off with water and stay on the body for up to two weeks. A wide range of flat-bottomed rhinestone patterns are now available in stores, treated with a special glue that is sensitive to heat and pressure for easy application to the skin.

    Not so elegant, but quite affordable option - use ordinary sequins (sequins) or self-cut from wrapping paper<голограмма>circles, triangles, stars. You can glue them to your skin with regular honey!

    Cover the Snow Maiden's face and hands with a very light foundation and powder the entire face with white shadows with sparkles. White eyelashes and eyebrows look spectacular. Apply regular colorless eyebrow mascara to lashes and cover lashes with white pearlescent eyeshadow while still wet. Highlight the eyes with blue eyeliner, and circle strongly the lower eyelid. Use a pale pink lipstick with a strong lip gloss. Such a Snow Maiden in your performance will surprise even sophisticated theatergoers.


    Cats, dogs, fairies, ghosts, witches, wizards ... kids of all ages love to have their faces painted. Here are a few tips to help you do this.

    1. Rate your colors Professional face paint and cosmetics can be very expensive, especially if you are painting an entire group of children's faces. Do not scatter them (paints) where children can freely master them and experience them for themselves. Try out different types of paints to see which you find best for the job. If you first apply a layer of ordinary baby cream on the child's face, then you can try to use and simple paints... In this case, in small quantities and for a short time, almost any paint is harmless.
    2. Sponge Does not clean If you want to cover (cover) a large area of ​​the face or apply a base color, then using a sponge to apply paint rather than a brush is a faster way. Having different sponges for different colors eliminates the need to rinse off the sponge during a painting session (the same applies to brushes).
    3. Be patient and do everything in thin layers. Let the first color dry before applying the next paints. If you don't, they will mix and you will probably have to wipe it up and start over. Also, instead of applying one thick coat of paint that can crack, apply a thin coat, let it dry, then apply another.

    • The most popular face paintings for girls are Butterfly, Fairy, Princess, Fantasy, Rabbit, ladybug, Cat, Flowers, Rainbow, Dog (Puppy).
    • Most Popular Boy Face Paintings - Red Spider Web, Pirate, Skull, Tiger, Robot, Bat, Clown, Dog (Puppy), Alien, Indian.
    • Most Popular Halloween Face Paintings - Vampire, Witch, Devil, Skull, Spider Web, Bat, Cat, Alien, Monster, Clown

    And remember, there are 5 basic principles if you want to create stunning face paintings quickly and easily:

    • Have large collection options to be offered;
    • Know exactly what sequential steps are required for each face when coloring each variation in your collection;
    • Use only high quality paints;
    • Use the right tools
    • Know how to mix color mixtures and paints.

    It's best to stick with simple face painting options until your skills improve. And of course use templates, stamps (stamps) and temporary tattoos (tattoos) to speed up the process. Face painting is something that all children enjoy, both boys and girls. Face painting is a fun addition to any camp activity.

    Let's dwell on some more subtleties of face painting:

    Once you have the right face paints then you can free your imagination and create both unique designs and classics, confident that you can keep any child's smile. Good luck and success in face painting!

    I use makeup - paint children according to the theme - Indians, jungles, pirates ... but the actual face painting with a brush is sometimes inconvenient, but pencils like wax crayons are super - special for children's parties, no one has yet given an allergy to them. does not spread, there is no need to fiddle with water, it is easily washed off with water, quickly applied, in general - practical and healthy.